Other Awards

Deadlines for submission of Rotary International Awards

Please review the awards and their criteria found on this linkhttps://my.rotary.org/en/learning-reference/learn-topic/awards

The District Rotary International Awards Committee believes we have many qualified Rotarians who should be recognized for their contributions to Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. We would like to receive nominations for the Rotary International Awards by the following dates:

AWARDS Due RI/TRF Due District

Club Awards

Due RI/TRF  Due District
Significant Service Award All year 1 February
Interact Video Award 1 December 1 November
Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards 1 February 15 January


Individual Awards

Due RI/TRF  Due District
Avenue of Service Award (District Award) All year 1 February
Avenue of Service Award (RI Award) All year 1 February
Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service 31 December 1 December
Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award 28 February 1 February
Rotary Foundation District Service Award All year 1 February
Service Above Self Award 31 Oct 15 October



Due RI/TRF  Due District
Rotary Award for Excellence in Service to Humanity 31 March 1 March


Please reach out with questions to any of the Committee members:

Woody Sadler lorwood@embarqmail.com
Ron Napier ronnapier@hotmail.com
Vivian Crymble vcrymble@gmail.com
Alex Wilkins wilkinsra@gmail.com
Kathy Kanter kkanter8@gmail.com
Please send nominations to Kathy Kanter, kkanter8@gmail.com before the District due date.



110% Award (District recognition)

The 110% Award is presented by the District Governor at District Conference.  It recognizes one Rotarian in each Area who has excelled in carrying out the Rotary Mission by giving 110% effort to strengthening their club, increasing humanitarian service and extending Rotary’s public image. The Nominee will have been a Rotarian for at least two years, have held Club Leadership Positions and be on track for Leadership Opportunities. The Administrative Assistant Governor is responsible for managing the Award program.  The Area Governor will present the 110% Award Pin and Certificate at the District Conference.

The Nominee will have:

  • Exceptionally performed Club and Committee assignments
  • Accepted additional responsibilities if asked
  • Contributed to the quality of Club programs and service projects
  • Engaged Club Members
  • Participated in Club Public Image

Who can nominate: Each Area Governor should nominate one 110% Award candidate.

Nomination period:  Nominate by March 1

Avenues of Service Award (District recognition)

With an award from their district, clubs can honor a Rotarian who participates in service activities in one of the five Avenues of Service — club, vocational, community, international, and youth service.

Who can nominate: Club Presidents

Nomination period: all year

Award type: electronic certificate

Avenues of Service Award (RI recognition)

Districts can nominate a member who has performed service in all five Avenues of Service for an award from Rotary International.

Who can nominate: District Governor

Nomination period: all year

Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service

Honors members who have been actively involved in service related to The Rotary Foundation.

Who can nominate: district Rotary Foundation chair (with endorsement by the governor)

Nomination period: November-December

Award type: electronic certificate

Rotary Foundation Distinguished Service Award

Honors individual Rotarians who have demonstrated exemplary service to the Foundation and have received the Citation for Meritorious Service at least four years prior.

Who can nominate: District Governor

Nomination period: 1 January-8 February

Rotary Foundation District Service Award

Honors Rotarians who are making a difference through the Foundation’s programs.

Who can nominate: District Governors (who receive recommendations from their District Foundation Committee)

Nomination period: all year (ideally before District Conference)

Award type: electronic certificate

Service Above Self Award

Prestigious award for Rotarians who demonstrate their commitment to helping others by volunteering their time and talents.

Who can nominate: District Governor

Nomination period: 1-31 October

Award type: pin and crystal award




Significant Service Award

Recognize a club whose project has addressed a significant need in your community.

Who can nominate: Club President

Nomination period: all year

Award type: electronic certificate

Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards

Recognizes  Rotaract clubs that are making a sustainable impact in one of Rotary’s areas of focus through their innovative community or international service projects.

Who can nominate: Rotaractors

Nomination period: 1 August-1 February

Award type: plaque or certificate

World Interact Week Recognition

Recognizes  Interact clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Interact Week, which occurs each year during the week of 5 November (from Monday to Sunday).

Who can nominate: sponsoring Rotary clubs or District Interact Chair

Nomination period: all year

Award type: electronic certificate

World Rotaract Week Recognition

Recognizes  Rotaract clubs that celebrate the founding of the first club during World Rotaract Week, which occurs each year during the week of 13 March (from Monday to Sunday).

Who can nominate: sponsoring Rotary clubs or District Rotaract chairs

Nomination period: all year

Award type: electronic certificate





Rotary Alumni Association of the Year Award


Recognize one outstanding alumni association each year for raising awareness of our alumni’s impact on our organization.

Who can nominate: Any member of the Rotary community

Nomination period: 1 July-15 September

Award type: banner, recognition at Rotary convention

Rotary Alumni Global Service Award

Honors one outstanding Rotary alumnus each year for their humanitarian service and professional achievements.

Who can nominate: Any member of the Rotary community

Nomination period: 1 July-15 September

Award type: crystal award, recognition at the Rotary convention


For More Information please contact:

Kathy Kanter kkanter8@gmail.com
Woody Sadler lorwood@embarqmail.com